
Date: 3/22/2011


From the moment i found u everythng in my life has changed,the happines u have brought in mylife has no measurement,u truely mean alot 2me,i always thank God for giving me a beautiful gal like u,a gal of my dreams,the gal i have been waiting for for so long,the gal who truely knw the meaning of love,the gal who is so kind that's why i do call u my angel,how happy i am to have u in my life,stay blessed my darling,we met by the GRACE of God,yes bby like ur lovely name,i fell for u coz u were created 2b with me,yes honey 2b all mine,i promise u swtie that am going to love u with all my heart coz deep down inside my heart my whole heart has been coloured by ur love,yes swtheart it's coved by ur precious love which makes me smile everytime i hear ur lovely voice,plse be mine forever,Baby everywhere u go and whatever u'll be doing know that somebody somewhere wants u,somebody somewhere real needs u,somebody somewhere dreams to be with u 4ever and that somebody is me,I LOVE U MY BABY
